Good News for Authors: Deadlines extended untill May 25

After many requests from authors and because of the long public holiday "Golden Week" in many Asian countries, the submission deadline has been extended to May 25 (for the main conference and both workshops). Notice that this will be a hard and final deadline and that we can not accept any submission after May 25.

Please use our online registration system to register yourself and submit your paper:

  1. Register yourself.
  2. When you are logged in, select "Submit Contribution",
  3. choose your pdf or postscript file and select the appropriate submission type, for example "Cyberworlds Full Paper" and click on "Proceed".

As long as the deadline is not reached, you can always update or withdraw your submission or upload a second one. You can also create a submission without uploading a pdf file at first.

If you have any question, we would be happy to answer your email to us.

Von: kif

27.04.07, 14:01